Two or three days ago, I found a thread in GosuGamers which posted by a chinese,he talked about a Jay Chou's song "Orcs"(半兽人) and linked its MTV.I thought he had liked to relate this song to WarCraft III or WOW,but some of those replies from non-chinese readers didn't agree with him.For me,at the first time I have not much idea about this song,but one day later I felt that was a bit of interesting.Then I googled the infos about this song,after that,what made me amazed a bit was,this song is actually for WC3.Jay Chou has been the cerebrity of WC3 in Taiwan region, he took a look at WC3 beta's pictures then he wrote this song and sang it in Taiwan's WC3 issuance in summer 2002(I aslo found some pics of that).So this song is the WC3 theme song of Taiwan!But after all,I still don't think this song fits to WC3,because the Orcs are rather evil in his song than in WC3 or WOW.Even though after watching that MTV one more time, I had found a lot of scenes,which I had missed before,were from WC3's cinematics,however I still related the orcs to those in Lord of the Ring but not those were from Draeno then dominated by Thrall in WC3 ...
An hour ago,a guy requested the english translation in that thread,though I knew my english sucked a lot but finally I decided to try to translate it into english.Every Chinese knows that Jay Chou's lyrics are extremely recondite and hard to understand even in Chinese,so that after doing that I really felt a shame on my pathetic english level..T_T..There're too many word I had to look up them in dictionary...and I could hardly to follow the atmosphere hiding in those obscure words...T_T.In the end,it didn't like a poem(I conside that the best lyrics are, and must are poetic!no matter in which any language)..just like a work made by a translate-software...just try your best to dig it and tell yourselt it's better than nothing.
Orcs--Jay Chou
“no more pure souls,
since humans fall to orcs,
i start to use the first person,
to record what happens now,
in the morning of bloodlust groves,
every aggression would be eventual
i cast ancient spells and intonate the sinfonia of soul
to remind these all.
facing the evil kisses from hell,
keep the symbol of pure holiness,
then back to a human again.
let our orcish souls roll,
refrain those cruel memories and processes to be an orc.
let our orcish eyes be pure.
no more greed nor loyalty to violence.
let our orcish souls roll,
stop the hate that leads to endless war.
let our orcish eyes be pure.
low our heads to the ancient gods.
the tear is boiled up and wind is cold,
horse's clops make me cannot sleep
i am waiting for the completion of the sinfonia of souls
leading my horde to write down orisons
that town is sacrifising meaninglessly.
flames of war have burned the alter to ruin.
i am waiting for my clansmen's awaken
then reclaim our earth again in northern lands.”
BTW:That girl named MrOw in GosuGamers knows chinese very well and she's really a cute girl~^^<3